
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Get outta my belly! And some other stuff..

Lamb Update:  No lambs....I am now convinced it will be a mass lambing and they will all go as soon as I get back into bed after my late night check.  Then, when I return to the barn, it will be baby chaos!  This is my view and what a stare at when I do my checks...yeah, it's hard not to look, I know.

Fleece Update:  all fleeces bagged and weighed.  Hmm...some nice soft and shinny wool in those bags.  My biggest surprise was Jan's, a tunis/texal cross.  She has a beautiful crimpy wool.  I have two photos, can you tell which one is the tunis/texal and which is the white finn?  In person, it's easy to tell because of color and texture but in the photo, not so much.

I'm amazed at the quality of Jan's.  (well, in all honesty, she could be a tunis/blue faced cross.  There was a little moment where she wasn't sure and we wanted to save her the embarrassment, you know how hard it is to be a young single mother without a baby daddy)

Duck Update:  Three bachelors left the brothel this morning so now our ratios of boy to girl are back to normal.  No more gang hen attacks.  1 boy, 8 girls.   Hmmm....he does seem to like his odds around the barnyard.  He did seem to be prancing around very proud today.  

New Birds:  Today, Tiffany, from Woodspryte Farm, brought our ram, Dexter, back.  She had borrowed him for a month and with him came, 40 quail eggs.  I will have to get back with her to get the details on the breed but we have them in the incubator...just put them in..and hopefully they hatch.  Secretly, I don't want all 40 but she wasn't sure with the weather and egg collection how many would make it through.   My friend asked me what we would do with all those eggs and I said, "not sure".  We have about 20 days to get a plan.  Any one want a quail??  I just said, I'm amazed loaning a ram could bring such a cool return! 

Dog Agility Update:  Taught many many lessons today and got some really good videos of the students.  I am hoping to put together another agility video of my newest agility crew.  They have been working so hard and are doing so well, I thought they deserved a tribute....

Oh, and Paul worked really hard today to get our washer and dryer installed in our bedroom walk-in cool!  That's where all washer and dryers should be, in the bedroom closet.  

Maybe lambs, tomorrow....

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