In Decemeber, we had our first child, Gabrielle Elyse Maulbetsch. She was born on Dec. 4 weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. and 20.5 inches.
2 weeks old
She is a riot and I'm adjusting to motherhood pretty well, I think. It's not unusual for me to have something or someone completely dependent on me but it's never been a physical part of me before. Together, Paul and I are figuring this out and enjoying every minute with her. She has been sleeping through the night (8 hours) since about 4 weeks old, so life is good in that department.
1 month old
In the farming news, we have acquired the 10 acres next door that does a little "L" shape around our property so we are now 20 acres and almost square. Paul is excited and has already been clearing the trees and limbs down so we can get into the new barn and get it fenced.
We added a calf to our farm, Moo-Cow-abelle. I cute little girl that is warming our hearts each day and she will probably end of being a big dog around here.
We have started lambing but with just a couple early moms. The rest of the ewes should lamb next week at the beginning of February. Fleeces will be available in a few days for purchase. We have 17 nice pure finn fleeces in all colors to sell.
Our silkie chickens have been laying eggs all winter and actually hatched out two broods in the past month. So, we have babies running around and I can't believe they are surviving the cold.
The runner ducks are still running, cold or not. They aren't laying eggs yet but I'm sure will start up again soon.
My students are doing well and I have added a few new teams in the last month. The advanced students are going to a trial this Sunday for CPE agility and I'm going to join them with Tweed. I'm excited to get back into trialing as I have only been able to do a few trials over the last few years. I have made a video of the first trial last Fall that they did and after having a fun weekend, there are a few students that are ready to go again! CPE is a such a wonderful place to start trialing.